Koronan pitkäaikaisvaikutukset
Vaikka koronaan kuolleita on valtava määrä ja akuutti infektio vaatii monilla sairaalahoitoa ja joillain myös tehohoitoa, saattaa suurin koronan aiheuttama vahinko yhteiskunnille ja kansanterveydelle liittyä sen lukuisiin pitkäaikaisvaikutuksiin, jotka saattavat ilmetä vasta kuukausia infektion jälkeen ja jotka saattavat myös kestää kuukausia tai mahdollisesti koko loppuelämämän. Ne saattavat aiheuttaa myös kuoleman, jota ei kuitenkaan tilastoida koronasta johtuvaksi, koska silloin saatta infektiosta olla jo kuukausia.
Tutkimusten mukaan n. 13% tartunnan saaneista (Suomessa arviolta joka kahdeksas) saa pitkäkestoisia oireita. Vaikka rokotteet suojaavat kohtalaisen hyvin vakavalta akuutilta vaiheelta (kunhan rokotteesta ei ole kovin kauaa, eikä saa tartunta rokotesuojaa kiertävältä variantilta), ne antavat ainoastaan 15% suojan pitkäkestoisia oireita vastaan.
Uusintatartunnat kasvattavat huomattavasti sekä kuoleman että pitkäaikaisoireiden riskiä.
Tähän mennessä havaittuja koronan pitkäaikaisvaikutuksia:
- Kohonnut kuolemanriski ainakin 6kk:n ajaksi infektion jälkeen
- Heikentää immuniteettia
- Lisää sydänsairauksien riskiä vähintään vuoden ajaksi
- Lisää riskiä sairastua diabetekseen
- Saattaa vaurioittaa hampaita ja aiheuttaa hampaiden irtoamista
- Vaurioittaa hermostoa ja aivoja, heikentää kognitiivisia kykyjä ja altistaa dementialle, psykiatrisille psykooseille ja Alzheimerin taudille
09.04.2021 Covid-19 on myös merkittävä aivosairaus
- Covid-19:n sairastaneilla lähes kaikki neurologiset ja psykiatriset diagnoosit olivat huomattavasti tavallisempia – myös dementia. Joka neljäs covidin sairastanut sai depressio- tai ahdistuneisuusdiagnoosin, Roine summaa tutkimuksen tuloksia.
- Näin suuri hermostollisten oireiden yleisyys on virusinfektiolle poikkeuksellista.
- Myös covidin myötä heikentyvä kognitiivinen kyvykkyys on huolestuttava oire. Vielä ei tiedetä, kuinka pitkästä oirehdinnasta on kyse.
- Koronatautiin sairastuneilla oli kontrolliryhmään verrattuna 60 prosenttia kohonnut riski kuolla kuuden kuukauden tarkastelujaksolla.
- ”Tutkimuksemme, että kuuden kuukauden jälkeen diagnoosista kuolemanriski edes lievän koronataudin sairastaneille ei ole triviaali, ja riski kasvaa koronataudin vakavuuden mukaan”, toteaa tutkimuksen pääkirjoittaja, apulaisprofessori Ziyad Al-Aly tutkimustiedotteessa.
25.05.2022 Long COVID risk falls only slightly after vaccination, huge study shows
- Vaccination against SARS-CoV-2 lowers the risk of long COVID after infection by only about 15%, according to a study of more than 13 million people
30.12.2021 Tutkimus: Koronavirus voi pesiytyä aivoihin ja elimiin kuukausiksi akuutin taudin jälkeen
20.01.2022 Nervous system consequences of COVID-19
20.01.2022 Man’s Genitals Suffer Severe Pain After Covid-19 Due To Blood Clots
10.02.2022 Heart-disease risk soars after COVID — even with a mild case
- Massive study shows a long-term, substantial rise in risk of cardiovascular disease, including heart attack and stroke, after a SARS-CoV-2 infection.
19.02.2022 How Long Covid Exhausts the Body
- Studies estimate that perhaps 10 to 30 percent of people infected with the coronavirus may develop long-term symptom
- Long Covid patients appear to have disrupted immune systems compared to post-Covid patients who fully recover
- Researchers have also found evidence that Covid may trigger a lasting and damaging autoimmune response. Studies have found surprisingly high levels of autoantibodies, which mistakenly attack a patient’s own tissues, many months after an initial infection.
- South African researchers found another circulation problem: Microscopic blood clots. Tiny clots that form during an initial Covid infection will typically break down naturally, but might persist in long Covid patients. These clots could block the tiny capillaries that carry oxygen to tissues throughout the body.
16.04.2022 Vaccines are no match for long Covid. Treating it is science’s next great challenge
04.05.2022 The Children Left Behind by Long Covid
- As the world pretends the pandemic is over, at least a half-million children in the U.S. are struggling with the mysterious disease.
04.05.2022 Koronatauti vanhensi kuin seitsemänkymppiseksi – jälki eroaa muista sairauksista
- Vakava koronatauti voi heikentää esimerkiksi muistia ja kielellisiä kykyjä. Älyllisten kykyjen palautuminen voi kestää kuukausia ja joillakin jälkitila voi olla pysyvä.
05.05.2022 Vakava koronatauti saattaa kiihdyttää kognitiivista vanhenemista jopa 20 vuodella, tutkimus kertoo
24.05.2022 More than 1 in 5 adult Covid survivors in the U.S. may develop long Covid, a C.D.C. study suggests.
25.05.2022 Vaccines may not prevent many symptoms of long covid, study suggests
- Six months after their initial diagnosis of covid, people in the study who were vaccinated had only a slightly reduced risk of getting long covid — 15 percent overall.
25.05.2022 Long COVID risk falls only slightly after vaccination, huge study shows
25.05.2022 Covid and the brain: A neurological health crisis
- “I think the rates of persistent cognitive symptoms in people who have recovered from Covid is, frankly, alarming,” Monje says.
- Inflammation in the brain can cause dysregulation of a number of different cell types and have lasting consequences to cognitive function.
01.06.2022 Two million people in UK living with long Covid, find studies
- ONS figures show that one in five people with long Covid had the infection two years ago
- Pitkittynyttä koronaoireilua eli long covidia on tilastossa ainakin kahdella eri koodilla: U08 (aiemmin sairastettu COVID-19-virusinfektio) ja U09 (COVID-19-virusinfektion jälkitila). Näiden kahden diagnoosien perusteella Suomessa on tänä vuonna hoidettu jo lähes 12 800:aa ihmistä, kun luku viime vuonna oli 2 800. Luku on siis noin 4,5-kertaistunut. Eniten potilaita on Uudellamaalla, runsaat 4 370.
- Tuntuu uskottavalta, että meillä voisi todellisuudessa olla muutamia kymmeniä tuhansia potilaita Suomessa. Ehkä jopa 50 000, kommentoi Kansallisen long covid -asiantuntijaryhmän puheenjohtaja, neurologian professori Risto O. Roine.
02.07.2022 COVID-19 reinfections may increase the likelihood of new health problems
- The study, which is based on the health records of more than 5.6 million people treated in the VA Health System, found that, compared with those with just one Covid-19 infection, those with two or more documented infections had more than twice the risk of dying and three times the risk of being hospitalized within six months of their last infection. They also had higher risks for lung and heart problems, fatigue, digestive and kidney disorders, diabetes and neurologic problems.
06.07.2022 Long covid -asiantuntijaryhmä: Työkyvyttömyysaallon sijaan edessä tuottavuuden lasku
- Neurologian professori Risto O. Roine arvioi, että Suomessa pitkittyneen koronataudin tapauksia voi olla jopa kymmenen kertaa virallisia lukuja enemmän.
10.07.2022 Urologist on why COVID can shrink your penis
- Getting Covid-19 makes you at a five times higher risk of erective dysfunction.
- When you’re losing blood flow to the area over time this can cause shrinkage of the tissues itself, meaning that you might notice a decrease in penile length.
29.07.2022 How multiple COVID-19 infections can harm the body
- With reinfections on the rise, scientists warn that each bout increases your risk of troubling outcomes, from long COVID to heart disease.
- In June, Al-Aly published a study, which has not yet been peer reviewed, analyzing more than 5.6 million military veterans’ medical records that showed each new infection added to their risk of dying from just about any cause. It also boosted the odds of other troubling health outcomes from heart, blood, and brain disorders, as well as diseases such as diabetes, chronic fatigue, and long COVID.
31.07.2022 Millions of Americans have long COVID. Many of them are no longer working
09.08.2022 Loss Of Smell Linked To Long Term Covid Cognitive Impairment
- In this study, the degree of anosmia—rather than the severity of Covid-19—significantly predicted cognitive impairment.
- This is of particular importance to this study group, as cognitive impairment and loss of smell can be persistent for those over 60 years of age.
11.08.2022 Morphological, cellular, and molecular basis of brain infection in COVID-19 patients
18.08.2022 COVID can impair brain function, large study suggests
- Researchers from Oxford University combed through more than a million patient files and discovered that, two years after infection, patients who had recovered from COVID-19 were at a higher risk of psychosis, dementia and “brain fog” when compared with patients who recovered from other respiratory diseases.
- Children getting over COVID-19 were twice as likely to suffer from epilepsy or a seizure, and three times as likely to develop a psychotic disorder compared with those recovering from a respiratory disease, even as the absolute risk of the conditions remains low.
30.8.2022 The growing evidence that Covid-19 is leaving people sicker
- “The level of damage that’s been done to population health [during Covid], it would be as if everybody suddenly decided to take up smoking in one go,” Strain says.
- “What’s particularly alarming is that these are really life-long conditions,” says Dr Ziyad Al-Aly
02.09.2022 Long Covid Is Keeping Millions Of People Out Of Work
05.09.2022 Long-term cardiac pathology in individuals with mild initial COVID-19 illness
05.09.2022 Koronaa ei kannata sairastaa uudestaan
- Uusintainfektiot lisäävät niin kuoleman kuin sairaalahoitoon joutumisen riskiä pitkään akuutin taudin jälkeen, kertoo vertaisarvioimaton amerikkalaistutkimus.
- Tutkimuksessa havaittiin, että vähintään kahdesti koronan sairastaneilla oli kaksinkertainen yleinen kuolemanriski verrattuna niihin, jotka eivät olleet sairastaneet koronaa. Lisäksi havaittiin, että heillä oli kolminkertainen riski joutua sairaalahoitoon kuuden kuukauden sisällä koronan sairastamisesta.
- Uusintainfektiot näyttivät lisäävän myös esimerkiksi sydän- ja keuhko-ongelmia, munuaisten toimintahäiriön riskiä, tyypin 2 diabetesta ja neurologisia ongelmia
14.09.2022 Pitkittyneet hermosto-oireet joskus hankalia: Korona heikentää tutkitusti aivoterveyttä
18.09.2022 COVID-19 increases risk of developing Alzheimer’s by 50-80% in older adults
22.09.2022 Yhä melkoinen mysteeri
- Pitkän koronan syntymekanismia ei vieläkään tunneta. Siihen ei ole myöskään parantavaa hoitoa. Suomessa tutkimusta ja hoitoa ovat hidastaneet rahapula ja sairauden vähättely.
- Suomessa oli elokuun alkuun mennessä tehty noin 15 000 pitkän koronan diagnoosia. Määrä on kuusinkertaistunut viime vuodesta.
- Varsinaisia pitkään koronaan erikoistuneita klinikoita on Suomessa vain yksi, HUS:n koronavirusinfektion pitkäaikaisoireiden poliklinikka.
- Klinikan on resurssien puutteen vuoksi täytynyt rajata palvelunsa vain niille potilaille, jotka ovat saaneet koronatestistä positiivisen tuloksen. Heistäkään kaikki eivät mahdu klinikalle.
- Potilaat kuitenkin puhuvat erilaisissa sosiaalisen median ryhmissä hoidon saamisen vaikeudesta julkisessa terveydenhuollossa. Heidän mukaansa oireita vähätellään eikä oteta todesta.
- Nationwide study spanning first 2 years of the pandemic finds 0.13% of children and adolescents who contracted COVID-19 were diagnosed with type 1 diabetes a month or more after infection compared to 0.08% in children without a registered infection
22.09.2022 COVID-19 infections increase risk of long-term brain problems
- Strokes, seizures, memory and movement disorders among problems that develop in first year after infection
29.09.2022 Unlike flu, COVID-19 attacks DNA in the heart: new research
- Direct research on the hearts of COVID-19 patients who have died from the disease has revealed they sustained DNA damage in a way completely unlike how influenza affects the body.
06.10.2022 The neurobiology of long COVID
- Researchers believe that COVID-19 infection induces a prothrombotic and proinflammatory state, which may increase the risk of blood clots. In a cohort study of 48 million adults in England and Wales just published, COVID-19 was linked with dramatic increases in both arterial clots (these cause strokes and heart attacks) and venous thromboembolism (these are blood clots in the lungs and legs, among other places).
08.10.2022 How Many Times Will You Get COVID?
10.10.2022 COVID increases risk of 44 different neuro disorders, including Alzheimer’s, 1 year post-infection
26.10.2022 Koronasta voi seurata pitkäaikaisia neurologisia ongelmia – jopa Alzheimer
- Maailman terveysjärjestö WHO arvioi, että sars-CoV-2-viruksen aiheuttamaan covid-19-tautiin sairastuneista 10–20 prosenttia saa pitkäkestoisia oireita.
- Suomessa on tällä hetkellä noin 17 000 pitkäkestoista koronaa sairastavaa ihmistä, jotka ovat saaneet tautiin virallisen diagnoosin. Pitkittyneistä oireista kärsivien todellista määrää ei kukaan tiedä. Varmaa on, että heitä on paljon enemmän.
- Arvovaltaisessa The Lancet -lehdessä äskettäin julkaistun Hollannissa tehdyn tutkimuksen mukaan lähes 13 prosenttia koronatautiin sairastaneista sai pitkäkestoisia oireita.
- Terveyden ja hyvinvoinnin laitoksen (THL) tilastojen mukaan Suomessa on todettu runsaat 1,3 miljoonaa varmistettua koronatartuntaa. Jos 13 prosenttia varmistetuista tapauksista saisi pitkäkestoisen taudin, tarkoittaisi se lähes 170 000:ta sairastunutta.
27.10.2022 STM:n ja THL:n korontatilannekatsaus
- Puumalainen sanoo, että tämän hetken tiedon mukaan noin joka kahdeksas koronapotilas kärsii pidempiaikaisista oireista.
28.10.2022 Koronatartunta voi tuhota aivosolujen välisiä yhteyksiä
10.11.2022 Repeat COVID is riskier than first infection, study finds
15.11.2022 You May Be Early, but You’re Not Wrong: A Covid Reading List
- List of research links and summaries. Some key points:
- Anyone can get Long Covid.
- Vaccines help, but not as much as everyone thinks
- Covid can kill healthy young people. It’s giving them heart attacks.
- Covid attacks your immune system. You don’t develop immunity. You lose it.
- Covid kills T Cells. It makes you more vulnerable to other diseases.
- Covid can reactivate old viral infections
- Children aren’t safe from Covid
- Masks work
- All told, long Covid is a $3.7 trillion drag on the U.S. economy — about 17% of our nation’s pre-pandemic economic output, said David Cutler, an economist at Harvard University. The aggregate cost rivals that of the Great Recession, Cutler wrote in a July report.
- Higher medical spending accounts for $528 billion of the total. But lost earnings and reduced quality of life are other sinister trickle-down effects, which respectively cost Americans $997 billion and $2.2 trillion.
- “Long Covid will be around long after the pandemic subsides, impacting our communities, our health care system, our economy and the well-being of future generations,” the HHS report said.
03.12.2022 The Tragedy of Avoidable Covid Deaths
- That study tracked the period after June 2021, when vaccines were widely available in these countries. The US had the most excess deaths, at 145.5 excess deaths per 100,000 people. The next-worst country was Finland with 82.2. The best two were Sweden, with 32.4, and New Zealand, with only 5.1 excess deaths per 100,000.
08.12.2022 Korona voi heikentää suojaa muita tauteja vastaan
- Immuunijärjestelmä on infektion jälkeen heikentyneessä tilassa 3–6 kuukautta.
15.12.2022 Rising Risks with COVID Reinfection
- The risk of hospitalization, organ damage, and death rises markedly with repeat COVID-19 infection.
- The data show a consistent pattern of increased likelihood of hospitalization, cardiovascular effects, clotting and other blood disorders, diabetes, fatigue, gastrointestinal distress, kidney damage, mental health effects such as depression, musculoskeletal damage, neurological deficits, and pulmonary damage with each episode.
21.01.2023 Studies give cause for concern: Lauterbach warns of incurable immune deficiency caused by Corona
- According to Federal Minister of Health Karl Lauterbach, several corona infections in one person can have serious consequences for the immune system.
- “Studies now show very clearly that those affected are often dealing with an immune deficiency that can no longer be cured”
25.01.2023 The covid-19 virus gets into the brain – what does it do there?
- While neurological conditions are most likely to arise soon after infection, people who have had covid-19 remain at and elevated risk of developing one for up to two years afterwards.
- During follow-up, the PCC cohort experienced increased health care utilization for a wide range of adverse outcomes: cardiac arrhythmias (relative risk [RR], 2.35; 95% CI, 2.26-2.45), pulmonary embolism (RR, 3.64; 95% CI, 3.23-3.92), ischemic stroke (RR, 2.17; 95% CI, 1.98-2.52), coronary artery disease (RR, 1.78; 95% CI, 1.70-1.88), heart failure (RR, 1.97; 95% CI, 1.84-2.10), chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (RR, 1.94; 95% CI, 1.88-2.00), and asthma (RR, 1.95; 95% CI, 1.86-2.03).
- The PCC cohort also experienced increased mortality, as 2.8% of individuals with PCC vs 1.2% of controls died, implying an excess death rate of 16.4 per 1000 individuals.
- In this case-control study of 13 435 US adults with PCC and 26 870 matched adults without COVID-19, individuals with PCC experienced elevated rates of adverse health events and mortality over the 12-month follow-up period, after accounting for risk factors present pre–COVID-19. To our knowledge, this analysis is the largest national study of commercially insured individuals with PCC including a full year of follow-up.
30.03.2023 Ortostaattinen takykardia yleinen pitkäkestoisessa COVID-19-taudissa
- Pitkäkestoiseen COVID-19-tautiin sairastuu arviolta 10–20 % koronainfektion saaneista.
03.04.2023 Danish study finds sharp rise in extended sick leave after COVID infection
- Danish researchers today reported a threefold increase in extended sick leave, defined as lasting longer than 30 days, in people who had recovered from COVID, compared to workers who weren’t infected.
04.04.2023 COVID-19 Infection Accelerates the Progression of Dementia
- Summary: Following COVID-19 infection, all subtypes of dementia, irrespective of a person’s previous dementia type, behave like rapidly progressive dementia.
27.12.2023 Every COVID Infection Increases Your Risk of Long COVID, Study Warns
29.02.2024 Cognition and Memory after Covid-19 in a Large Community Sample
07.03.2024 Tutkimus: koronatartunta laskee älykkyysosamäärää (twiitti)
- Koronataudin sairastaneiden ja sairastamattomien välillä oli nähtävissä tilastollisesti merkittävä ero.
- Tehohoitoon joutuneilla älykkyysosamäärän lasku oli 9 pistettä, pitkittynyttä koronatautia sairastaville 6 pistettä ja lievänä sairastaneilla 3 pistettä
13.03.2024 COVID-19 Leaves Its Mark on the Brain. Significant Drops in IQ Scores Are Noted
- Research shows that even mild COVID-19 can lead to the equivalent of seven years of brain aging
- In addition to brain fog, COVID-19 can lead to an array of problems, including headaches, seizure disorders, strokes, sleep problems, and tingling and paralysis of the nerves, as well as several mental health disorders.
- Large epidemiological analyses showed that people who had COVID-19 were at an increased risk of cognitive deficits, such as memory problems.
- Imaging studies done in people before and after their COVID-19 infections show shrinkage of brain volume and altered brain structure after infection.
- A study of people with mild to moderate COVID-19 showed significant prolonged inflammation of the brain and changes that are commensurate with seven years of brain aging.
- Severe COVID-19 that requires hospitalization or intensive care may result in cognitive deficits and other brain damage that are equivalent to 20 years of aging.
- Studies show that even when the virus is mild and exclusively confined to the lungs, it can still provoke inflammation in the brain and impair brain cells’ ability to regenerate.
- COVID-19 increased the risk of development of new-onset dementia in people older than 60 years of age
- Autopsies have revealed devastating damage in the brains of people who died with COVID-19.
- Those who had mild and resolved COVID-19 showed cognitive decline equivalent to a three-point loss of IQ.
- Those with unresolved persistent symptoms…had a six-point loss in IQ.
- Those who had been admitted to the intensive care unit for COVID-19 had a nine-point loss in IQ.
- Reinfection with the virus contributed an additional two-point loss in IQ, as compared with no reinfection.
24.03.2024 COVID Linked to Lower IQ, Poor Memory and Other Negative Impacts on Brain Health
18.07.2024 Long COVID lung damage linked to immune system response
25.07.2024 Even mild COVID can cause prolonged cognitive impairment
01.08.2024 Long-term cognitive and psychiatric effects of COVID-19 revealed in new study
- Many people who were hospitalised with COVID-19 continue to have cognitive and psychiatric problems even two to three years post-infection
- Two to three years after being infected with COVID-19, participants scored on average significantly lower in cognitive tests (test of attention and memory) than expected. The average deficit was equivalent to 10 IQ points.
- Additionally, a substantial proportion reported severe symptoms of depression (about 1 in 5 people), anxiety (1 in 8), fatigue (1 in 4), and subjective memory problems (1 in 4), with these symptoms worsening over time.
- Although in many people these symptoms at 2-3 years were already present 6 months post-infection, some people also experienced new symptoms 2 to 3 years after their infection that they were not experiencing before.