Korona ja talous

6.10.2020 Princetonin yliopiston taloustieteen professori: Epidemian hillitsemistä ja taloutta ei voi asettaa vastakkain

25.10.2020 Talous ja terveys eivät ole vaihtoehtoja

20.7.2021 Koronarajoituksista ei aieutunut yhtä suurta haittaa kuin koronapandemian leviämisestä, tutkijat sanovat

31.10.2021 Taloustieteilijät: Ilman koronasulkuja taloudellisia tappioita ja kuolleita olisi tullut paljon enemmän

4.9.2022 Suomi selvisi koronapandemiasta Ruotsia paremmin, kertoo tuore selvitys – talous kärsi saman verran, vaikka kuolleita oli selvästi vähemmän

8.8.2022 Coronavirus pandemic in the Nordic countries: Health policy and economy trade-off

  • Conclusions: There was no trade-off between public health policy and economy during the COVID-19 pandemic in the Nordic region. Sweden’s relaxed and delayed COVID-19 health policy response did not benefit the economy in the short term, while leading to disproportionate COVID-19 hospitalizations and mortality.

24.8.2022 New data shows long Covid is keeping as many as 4 million people out of work

2.9.2022 Long Covid Is Keeping Millions Of People Out Of Work

  • A new Brookings report finds that Long Covid is keeping as many as 4 million people out of work. Lost wages are estimated at between $170 billion and $230 million a year, a significant economic burden at a time when the cost of living is rising steeply.

31.10.2022 U.S. workers have gotten way less productive. No one is sure why.

  • Bosses and economists are troubled by the worst drop in U.S. worker output since 1947

30.11.2022 Taloustieteen professori Antti Ripatti: Pitkittyneen koronan kustannukset nousevat miljardeihin euroihin

30.11.2022 Long Covid may be ‘the next public health disaster’ — with a $3.7 trillion economic impact rivaling the Great Recession

  • Long Covid has affected as many as 23 million Americans. It may cost the U.S. economy $3.7 trillion, roughly that of the Great Recession, according to one estimate.
  • Up to 30% of Americans who get Covid-19 have developed long-haul symptoms, affecting as many as 23 million Americans, according to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.
  • “Long Covid will be around long after the pandemic subsides, impacting our communities, our health care system, our economy and the well-being of future generations,” the HHS report said.